
About Dr. Nowell

A Personal Message

I was living in Seoul, South Korea a few years ago, teaching psychology classes, helping other people develop happier lives, traveling, enjoying learning about different Asian cultures, and generally having a very enjoyable time of living overseas.  I thought that I had learned a lot in my life about human happiness and how to become a better person, and I thought that I was doing pretty well in that regard, when I had a major life changing family situation that ended in me gaining a major insight on how to eliminate my anger issues totally and permanently!  You don't have to suffer the unhappy experience that led up to this life changing insight because you will soon be able to read the whole story in my new book “Anger Elimination”.      

     I am so excited about what I have learned about anger elimination, that it has been very hard for me to take the time to carefully write about it and to find a way to share my life changing insights with you and as many other people as possible in a short period of time.

"With a bit more key knowledge, absolutely anyone can eliminate anger from their life... or help a loved one do the same...

... and I certainly do mean You can eliminate your anger too".


Professional History

Dr. Brian L. Nowell has worked in a variety of leadership and education positions for the past 30 years. During those years, he has consulted with many people to help them develop their potential to lead better lives. His B.A., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Psychology are from The University of South Florida and The University of Georgia. Dr. Nowell has taught a wide variety of courses as a lecturer and as a college professor. And, he has educated diverse audiences on various topics nationwide in the United States. Dr. Nowell is the Managing Director of The Development Center (, a not for profit 501(c)(3)organization which provides education and development to individuals, groups, and organizations. He is currently providing psychology classes for UMUC Europe and South Dakota State University. Dr. Nowell’s current passionate area of psychological interests are the psychology of the stock market, and the psychology of anger elimination. He has written a practical book on how to use powerful psychological stock market information to increase ones financial prosperity (, and a second practical book about anger elimination ( Dr. Nowell’s personal interests include family history research, multi focus short and long term history, oil painting, backpacking, optimal learning methods/mastery education, carpentry, horticulture, appropriate technology living, creative problem solving, reading, traveling, and sailing. Brian and his wonderful wife Debby are the parents of 2 children.  He was recently living in Enkenbach, Germany with Debby, but they will soon be living in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.